Not all that...

N price
30th Jan 2018

I was so looking forward to a fresh new colour and cut, I prepared a Pinterest couple of photos of what I wanted and the stylist seemed confident with it- this was all very quick consultation about 30 seconds she then promptly started applying the foils. The colour developed at different times the back being rinsed first - I think it’s just one colour throughout. Very insistent on the shampoo but no toner and no conditioner as far as I could tell. My hair was very knotted throughout the cut. Hair looked dry and patchy with the colour as it was being dried. Brushes and scissors were dirty and very worn. I had wanted my roots to be blended but as they hadn’t done a patch test - despite knowing I was a new customer on the phone, so she wouldn’t touch them. Meaning I paid nearly £100 to look almost identical to how I went in. I paid and left just passing comment on the patchiness and lightness of the colour as I felt so upset and disappointed I just wanted to leave. I had to go straight to Superdrug to buy a colour the blend my roots myself. Not the birthday pampering treat I had imagined - don’t know if it was my explanation/expectation or the skill of the technician. Won’t be back.
