Possibly the most ridiculous policy ever implemented...

15th Oct 2018

I've been taking my 7 year old to this salon for 5 years, despite the ever fluctuating price (anything between £6 and £12 regardless of their age or if they have a wash, cut or blow!). This latest time we didn't even make it past trying to make an appointment. In their infinite wisdom (read as a further way to extract cash from their customers) it has been decided they no longer offer just a spray wet cut for children. The choice is either wash your child's hair and bring them to the salon with wet hair (in winter?!!) or pay an EXTRA £5!! for the privilege of having someone wash it at the salon - whether the hair needs it or not!

Clearly little thought has been given to this. I'm not about to drag my child through cold, wet, windy winters with dripping hair to oblige this ill conceived policy. What happens in the summer when the heat of the day will undoubtedly dry their hair on the way? Will they deign to pick up a water spray or insist on raiding our pockets for another fiver?

Goodbye hair essentials, hello the multitude of other salons that are friendly and reasonable.
