Very Understanding and Great Service.

Nicole Riddell
2nd May 2019
Appointment verified by iSalon Software

These guys are honestly some of the best people.
I was running late, as I had a repair man in and it was taken a LOT longer than he thought. I tried calling but the line was busy, it’s a great place so again this is understandable!

When I arrived there was a slight wait, again understandable it’s busy and the middle of the day.

The facial treatment I had booked, turned out to be the wrong one for me and since I was late, I wouldn’t get the full time. So we decided after a quick discussion to go with a different facial.

It was lovely, unusual for me, as I had never had anything quite like it, it was the Microdermabrasion. I really enjoyed it, the lady was really lovely and chatted with me; as I was still calming down from a stressful morning.

I can’t tell on results yet as they do take a day or so to become noticeable. But I will say, my skin itself feels wonderful. Really soft, less dry already and it was very calming.

I would completely recommend this place to any one in the area as they take time to speak with you, and really listen.
