Avant Garde Hair Salon Hereford

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Hair no problem and stylist great. Always confused on the variation in price that has gone on for years, sometimes less sometimes more, very frustrating and confusing. Appreciate length of hair and status of stylist, number of packets etc but the pricing has no correlation. I have very short hair always have! Can chat if it’s easier thanks as this has now gone on for years

Response from Avant Garde Hair Salon Hereford

Hi Clare, I have been back over your bills for the last 14months and I can see the price has always been the same. Your few foils have always been a fantastic price of £20 and a small charge for the wash and dry off of £5 a total of £25. Your cut & Blowdry’s that we see you for in-between the colour appointments has remained at £43 with our more senior member of the team. We are happy to go through this with you at your next appointment and rest assured we take and changes in our pricing very seriously and only make changes when we really have to as we understand the pressure this has on everyone.