Absolutely phenomenal - Julie
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I’ve been trying to grow my hair. Julie has been helping me navigate what has been a surprisingly hard process - both mentally and hair-wise. But I reached the end of my tether this morning after washing and drying it no less than 3 times (yes, three - madness) and hating it. I called - tearful - and Julie answered and made me feel better in seconds flat. I got an appt for this pm - with the intention of going back to a tried and tested style that wasn’t sexy or glam - but worked. We met and we talked. Julie suggested tweaking rather than radical chop it off again. We went down this route. Julie dried and asked how I felt. There was some more adjustment and a revised plan of action. I feel very good about my hair now and will see how I do when I wash/ dry it myself. In years and years of hair appts, and many different salons… Julie and her team are different. What you say is heard. It is a real service and you build real relationships. Hair matters and Julie really cares. Many many thanks.
