Ellen Conlin Hair & Beauty Hyndland

From the moment you enter the Salon your senses tell you've come into a special place. Having worked all over the world, you develop instincts about any business you enter and Ellen Conlin has that immediate distinctive quality of providing outstanding customer service through the quality of its people, both in terms of their professionalism and their authentic care and interest for you , the customer. This is not a universal strength of hairdressing Salons but comes only from creating a unique culture where everyone is clearly part of a team and positive energy is its hallmark. There is a an evident passion for making your visit the best it can possibly be .

Reception and your welcome are so important to first impressions and Lesley is outstanding in her role. My Stylist, Nicky, is absolutely first class and combines listening skills with creativity in exploring options which can take you out of your comfort zone, which is quite an achievement given how set in our ways many of us can be. Going to a Salon should be an enjoyable and positive experience combining professionalism with informality and fun and a lack of pretension. A big part of that is leadership and seamless teamwork. That is what the Ellen Conlin experience offers along with that warm inner feeling of walking out with a smile on your face.
Best in Class no doubt !
