Awful! Don't go!!

4th Nov 2014

Do not go here for any waxing!!! I came here in July before I went traveling to get a Hollywood wax. When entering the salon the lady was hesistant and nervous telling me that she does waxes different then most therapists (this is what she had been told by past customers). As a regular for these waxes I knew what to expect. She got me to stay in a position which was one I'd never been put in for a wax in this region she then told me that she was going to be using a more expensive wax then usual.. When starting the first wax strip she looked lost, failing to peal off pick off the wax properly leaving the area patchy with wax still all over it. She made no effort to distract me while doing this she just carried on saying things like "oh no" "it's starting to bleed" "I can't do anymore in this area it's raw" " I've used this wax on three other people and it turned out horribly for them". She carried on trying on different areas and I was in unbearable pain like I've never experienced befo
