Mother in Law's Hair

Janice Harnett
24th May 2022
Stylist: Breeda (Hair)

My Mother in Law Peg Harnett had her hair washed and blow dried by Breda last Saturday. It was for a.Communion. She was very happy with result and thought Breda was very good at her job and nice. I want to thank Breda and Belissimo for fitting her in. It was great to have a local salon for her to go to on a very busy day for us. I always enjoy going there and will be in again soon myself. Kind regards.

Response from Bellissimo Galway

Hi Janice,

Thank you so much for your 5 star and lovely message about Breeda , We're so pleased your mom loved her hair & that she enjoyed her time here at Bellissimo.

We look forward to seeing you both again.

Kind Regards
Bellissimo Galway